According to a recent decision¹ rendered by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, the expression “País do Futebol” (in English, “Country of Soccer”) is a generic expression of common and generic use, in public domain, and cannot be registered as a trademark. In this case, PBC Comunicação filed a lawsuit against the Brazilian Patent and (...)
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According to a recent decision rendered on Special Appeal No. 1.763.920 by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, Leroy Merlin does not have to pay public performance rights to ECAD for music played in its stores. In this case, ECAD (the sole performance rights organization in Brazil) filed a lawsuit against Leroy Merlin seeking payment (...)
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Maria Alice Calliari represents Murta Goyanes Advogados at AIPLA 2018. AIPLA’s annual meeting will take place in Washington, DC, from October 25 to 27, 2018, and will gather law firms and institutions directly or indirectly involved in the protection of Intellectual Property, providing business opportunities and partnerships.  
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According to a recent decision¹ rendered by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, the unauthorized use of an individual’s image (likeness) for commercial purposes results in the obligation to pay to the offended party part of the profits that arose out of the unlawful act, in addition to moral and monetary damages. In this case, (...)
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In a recent decision¹, the 21st Federal Court of the Federal District granted a preliminary injunction to nullify the administrative act which allowed a patent application related to a medication used for treating Hepatitis C. In this case, the candidate for the Brazilian Presidency Marina Silva and her candidate for vice, Eduardo Jorge, filed a (...)
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According to a recent decision¹ rendered by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, IGB Eletrônica (“IGB”), owner of the mark “G Gradiente Iphone”, could not restrain the use of the mark “iphone” by Apple. In this case, Apple filed a lawsuit against IGB and the Brazilian PTO, alleging that the registration had been mistakenly granted (...)
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In a recent decision¹, the Superior Electoral Court confirmed its understanding that copyright infringement results in electoral ineligibility. In this case, a candidate for councilman of the city of Jaú, São Paulo, in 2016, had his candidacy rejected due to a conviction for crime against intellectual property, on the grounds that such conduct constituted a (...)
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Antonio Murta Filho will participate in the 32nd edition of the Marques Conference, which will be held in Paris, from September 18-21. The theme of the Conference is “Branding Style: Appearance, Aesthetics and Éclat” and many sessions will focus on topics such as branding, design and luxury goods. Founding partner of Murta Goyanes Advogados, Antonio (...)
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