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Thousands of Brazilians receive warning lettersafter downloading movies through torrent services.

It is estimated that, last October, thousands of Brazilians received warning letters requesting the payment of R$ 3,000for downloading movies through torrent services. The warning letters were related to the supposed downloads and shares of different films such as “Secret Service Invasion”, “Hellboy” and “Rambo: Until the End”.

In Brazil, article 184 of the Criminal Code, provides penalties ranging from three months to one year in prison for anyone who infringes copyright in cases where copies are made for profit. The warning letters were sent to compensate the copyright holders for damages caused by such illegal acts.

The collection of personal information from telephone users resulted from a request for breach of confidentiality made by the British company Copyright Management Services. Such company would be responsible for tracking pirated copies of films, with the help of Guardaley technology, a system for detecting copyright infringement that automatically informs the rights holder about the improper sharing of protected content.

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