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Numbers of software filings and registrations set record in 2021.

Since the implementation of the e-Software system in September 2017, the number of software filings at the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has broken a monthly record with 366 applications in May 2021.

From January to May this year, there was a 20% increase in fillings and 17.6% in registrations when compared to the same period in 2020. This number can be attributed to the effort undertaken by the BPTO to disseminate intellectual property in the country and to stimulate innovation and the competitiveness of companies.

In 2020, the BPTO launched an Action Plan with a series of measures, among which it foresaw: (1) 20% increase in the number of software flings; and (2) 25% growth in registrations.

The process of registering a software is automated and guarantees legal security to the applicant, in case there is a legal proceeding to prove the authorship, ownership or date of creation of the software. The registration certificate is issued with 50-year validity term in Brazil and in 176 other countries that signed the Berne Convention (1886).

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