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Audiovisual sectoral fund establishes criteria to prioritize the analysis of projects that were not contracted since 2018

The Managing Committee of the Audiovisual Sectoral Fund (FSA) met again last Wednesday (12) and determined, based on the Brazilian National Film Agency – ANCINE’s Board of Directors recommendation, the criteria that will be used in the analysis of projects approved through public calls launched until 2018, but that have not been contracted yet.

According to the Committee, priority in the analysis will be given to fiction and documentaries projects that have already been produced; projects that have 80% of the resources already paid in; animation and electronic games projects that have already started the production stage; and projects for commercialization and distribution of audiovisual works that have been launched. The analysis of projects that are not prioritized will follow the order of the dates of publication in the Official Gazette or of the judicial decision.

In addition, the Committee determined that ANCINE will take preparatory diligences for the projects possibly impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, in order to verify if the original project and its budget have changed due to the pandemic. The director-president of ANCINE, Alex Braga, also stated that despite the use of resources from 2019 and 2020 in the contracting of projects with delayed analysis, there is an expectation of R$ 150 million remaining to be used in projects approved in 2020.

Finally, the renewal of the contract between ANCINE and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) was also approved, which will continue to be the financial agent of FSA. In this regard, it is expected that new credits will be made available for the audiovisual sector.

More information is available (in Portuguese) at: and