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ANCINE defines priority regulatory actions

ANCINE released, on the 18th of January, a Regulatory Agenda proposal for the years of 2023 and 2024. The document presents topics considered strategic and exposes the main regulatory actions that the Agency intends to implement in the audiovisual sector.

Among the issues, special mention should be made of the regulation related to the use of public funds to promote works that have VOD platforms as their first window of exhibition, as well as the regulation of the obligation that the economic agents in this segment provide information to ANCINE.

According to the Agency, it is necessary to adopt actions that mitigate the asymmetry between the VOD market and the regulatory standards. The intention is to offer technical assistance to the Executive and Legislative Powers, for the purpose of regulating services and mechanisms to promote works destined to this segment.

In addition, it is part of the Agenda the elaboration of a proposal to increase the contribution limits established for the mechanisms provided in articles 3 and 3-A of the Audiovisual Law, as well as the renewal of the Cota de Tela (“Screen Quota”), which expired in 2021, and the Cota de Programação (“Programming Quota”), which will expire in 2023.

Other topics foreseen in the Agenda focus on the need to reduce procedures bureaucracy, simplify normative commands and identify and correct possible abuses of power in the processes of registration of Economic Agent, Advertising Audiovisual Work, Non-advertising Audiovisual Work and Title of Non-Advertising Audiovisual Work.

There is an ongoing Public Consultation process, through which the sector and civil society can give their opinion on the proposed actions and contribute to the strategic agenda. The Consultation can be accessed through the following link: Governo Federal – Participa + Brasil – Agenda Regulatória da Agência Nacional do Cinema – ANCINE, para o biênio 2023/2024. (