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Aid law for the cultural sector is signed by the President.

The President, Jair Bolsonaro, signed into Aldir Blanc Law, providing emergency actions for the cultural sector to be adopted during the state of public calamity, recognized in Legislative Decree No. 6 of March 2020. The bill had been approved by a large majority in the Chamber of the Deputies and unanimously in the Senate. The article that stated the deadline of up to 15 days after the sanction for the transference of the funds by the federal government was vetoed by the President.

According to the legal text, the Union grants the States and Cities the amount of R$ 3 billion to enable the achievement of three actions:  (i) payment of an emergency income in the amount of R$ 600.00 to cultural workers; (ii) monthly subsidy for the maintenance of artistic and cultural spaces and micro and small companies of the sector and (iii) implementation of incentive instruments such as public notices and calls, with the objective of developing new productions and activities of creative economy and solidarity economy; and financing of artistic and cultural activities that can be transmitted by internet or made available through social networks and other digital platforms.