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Brazilian Film Agency approves a proposal of review of the normative instruction that regulates audiovisual projects financed through direct and indirect public funding.

The Board of Directors of the Brazilian National Film Agency (ANCINE) approved, on May 12, a set of internal proposals aimed at revising ANCINE’s Normative Instruction 125/2015, which regulates the administrative proceedings concerning the execution of audiovisual projects funded through public resources, such as the incentives provided in Articles 3 and 3-A of Law No. 8685/1993.

According to ANCINE, this review of the Normative Instruction presents a new paradigm to the sector and ANCINE itself, with a goal of reducing the bureaucracy of proceedings and positive effects on the efficiency, control, and inspection of public resources regulated by the Normative 125. 

ANCINE also emphasized that the revised Normative will cover the integration of the regulation of tax incentive laws with those of the direct funding incentive derived from the Audiovisual Sectorial Fund, through the unification of proceedings, which will result in gains in operational efficiency. 

Now, ANCINE will draft a revised version of the Normative Instruction, which will be followed by a public consultation for a period of 30 days. 

More information is available in Portuguese at