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The Brazilian National Council of Justice (CNJ) issued a new Resolution providing that the deadlines for electronic lawsuits will resume as of May 4, 2020

Following the governmental recommendations to refrain the COVID-19 outbreak, the Brazilian National Council of Justice (CNJ) published the Resolution No. 314 that extends part of the previous Resolution No. 313, which has established the Court on duty activities and the suspension of all deadlines related to the lawsuits with paper and electronic court records until April 30, 2020.

The new Resolution postpones the suspension of the deadlines regarding the lawsuits with paper court records until May 15, 2020. However, it provides that the deadlines related to the lawsuits with electronic court records will resume as of May 4, 2020, and keeps the online Court activities and the suspension of them locally.

The Resolution No. 314 (in Portuguese) can be accessed at this link.