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Marcelo Goyanes participates in debate regarding VOD panorama in Brazil

Marcelo Goyanes will be a panelist of the seminar “VOD panorama in Brazil”, at MIS São Paulo, in Jan 23th and 24th. Organized by three entities of the audiovisual industry – Associação Paulista de Cineastas, Brasil Audiovisual Independente e Sindicato da Indústria Audiovisual do Estado de São Paulo -, the event will promote a debate of the scenario of video on demand in Brazil, its regulation and perspectives.

Founding partner of Murta Goyanes Advogados, Marcelo will take part of the panel that will debate different views of the sector. He will address the discussions regarding VOD regulation, the possibility of using the current audiovisual tax incentive mechanisms to finance works produced primarily for VOD distribution, as well as the legal implications on the control of the intellectual property rights.